German telephone area codes – chart

Telephone area codes Germany


02 - North Rhine-Westphalia, Rheinland-Palatinate, Hesse

03 - Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony, Thuringia, Lower Saxony

04 - Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Bremen, Lower Saxony

05 - North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony

06 - Saarland, Rheinland-Palatinate, Hesse, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria

07 - Baden-Wuerttemberg, Southern Pfalz, Bavaria

08 - Southern Bavaria

09 - Northern Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Hesse


Special numbers

0800 - Toll-free numbers

0900 - Numbers subject to fees (value added services)


Area codes for phoning abroad

Argentina    00 54 / +54
Australia    00 61 / +61
Austria    00 43 / +43
Belgium    00 32 / +32
Brazil    00 55 / +55
Canada    00 1 / +1
China    00 86 / +86
Czech Republic    00 420 / +420
Denmark    00 45 / +45
Finland    00 358 / +358
France    00 33 / +33
Great Britain    00 44 / +44
Greece    00 30 / +30
Holland    00 31 / +31
Hong Kong    00 852 / +852
Hungary    00 36 / +36
India    00 91 / +91
Ireland    00 353 / +353
Israel    00 972 / +972

Italy    00 39 / +39
Japan    00 81 / +81
Liechtenstein    00 423 / +423
Luxembourg    00 352 / +352
Mexico    00 52 / +52
Monaco    00 377 / +377
Netherlands    00 31 / +31
New Zealand    00 64 / +64
Norway    00 47 / +47
Poland    00 48 / +48
Portugal    00 351 / +351
Romania    00 40 / +40
Russia    00 7 / +7
Slovakia    00 421 / +421
Slovenia    00 386 / +386
South Africa    00 27 / +27
Spain    00 34 / +34
Sweden    00 46 / +46
Switzerland 00 41 / +41
Turkey    00 90 / +90
USA    00 1 / +1

No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information.

[Link] Complete list of foreign area codes